Adress: Hungary, 1095 Budapest, Soroksári rd. 48-54. Phone: +36 1 793 2670 E-mail:


Is it not cold in November to use Post Harvest preparations?

The strains in bacterial preparations have been selected by their cold tolerance during our product development. Accordingly, their application is recommended from 4-5 °C of soil temperature.

Isn’t it too cold for such procedure in late October or in November?

During the development of products, the strains present in our preparations were also selected by their cold tolerance. Accordingly, they are already/are still growing and colonising the soil at a soil temperature of 4 to 5 °C.

Depth of incorporation?

Depth of incorporation depends on the type of the soil and its actual condition (eg.: moisture content). Generally the minimal depth of incorporation is 5-10 cm. Basically it is advisable to cover the bacteria, but still provide them an airy environment (shallow cultivation).

Does the use of organic fertilizer replace soil inoculation?

Organic fertilizers themselves do not replace soil inoculation. By using organic fertilizers we replace organic matter, in fact we provide habitat and nutrients for the soil inhabitants. With soil inoculation – which also helps in decomposing organic matter – we can achieve further benefits, e.g. making poorly soluble minerals available for plants, nourishing the crops with air-bound nitrogen, introducing various plant growth promoting, stimulating materials with bacteria into the root zone, etc.

Effects of herbicides on bacteria?

Basically we do not recommend using our products together with herbicides, but generally such usage does not even appear in the technology.

Description of the effects of herbicides on inoculants in the soil needs their special examination. Currently there are several ongoing researches and tests with our products, to give answers supported by test results.

BIOFIL products can not be used together with bactericidal and fungicidal preparations.

How do they solve that 1 l of preparation is enough to apply on 1 ha? How do I know if it contains the required number of germs?

The preparations have guaranteed number of germs, which are also listed on the packaging, and ensured by quality control during the production. The effective recommended dose for each preparation is determined by the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) during the licensing procedure, in so-called regulator trials. Basically, the number of germs in preparations depends on their composition, production technology, fermentation and storage condition etc.

Remarkably differing doses of various preparations?

Products made by various manufacturers are different in their composition, number of germs, and even other parameters can differ. The optimal dosage of each product is determined by the manufacturer and the National Food Chain Safety Office (during product authorization, as an independent authority in Hungary) in so-called regulator trials. The determined dosage has shown the best results during these trials.

Why is the BIOFIL Post-Harvest product not soil pH specific?

Basically, during stalk degradation we treat the organic matter which we want to degrade, not the soil, as the correct technological order shows this (the preparation is applied to the stalks, and then rotated into the soil). In this case the correct rotation shall provide optimal conditions for degradation. Bacteria strains in the products have a wide range of pH-tolerance.

Can we influence the pH of the soil with soil inoculation bacteria?

BIOFIL products consist of rhizosphere bacteria. When inoculated, they propagate in the root zone of plants (so-called rhizosphere), they colonise the rhizosphere, and there they can have a beneficial influence on soil pH for the plants.

Does it also affect the growth of weeds in a positive way?

As we are talking about bacterial preparations for plant growth – yes, and this can be said for several preparations which increase the yield. At the same time, some of their effects may be indirectly involved in the control of weed growth (e.g. closing the stock more rapidly as a result of growth-enhancing hormones).

Why is annual soil inoculation necessary?

As bacteria living in the soil, the number of germs of bacteria strains in the inoculating preparations depends on several factors, which are in constant change. Annual inoculation is necessary for providing beneficial bacteria strains for plants in the required time and quantity in the root zone (rhizosphere). It is proven that soil life decreases due to intensive agricultural production.

How many years shall pass to see the real soil ameliorating effect of bacterial preparations? – In which year does soil life actually improve?

It is well known that the effect of soil inoculants as living micro-organism cultures is influenced by a number of factors (soil conditions, weather, crop, variety, etc.). In favourable conditions, the majority of producers report crop surplus and an improvement in the content value after the first season. The improvement of soil life can be demonstrated even after a single vegetation. Slower processes such as soil structure improvement may take up to 2-5 years, depending on the circumstances. In general, a good preparation shall be used continuously for 3-5 years for positive changes in soil structure.

Does the insulating effect of the snow cover affect the overwintering of soil inoculants?

It is likely to help, as the soil temperature fluctuates less, a thinner layer of the soil actually freezes. However, as preparations have already colonised a significant layer for that time, their viability will not be significantly altered, as with other soil dwellers.

What more can a BIOFIL Post-Harvest product do than a nitrogen-based chemical fertilizer?

The Post-Harvest preparation itself contains certain bacterial strains necessary for the degradation of organic matter, while nitrogen-based chemical fertiliser helps in growth and propagation of strains in the soil. The BioFil Post-Harvest product therefore significantly reduces the time required for degradation, thus accelerating the return of released nutrients to the cycle and making them usable for plants. It is also able to control the propagation of pathogenic fungi (e.g. fusariums) on decomposing plant residues.

Is it economical when used in combination with green manure crops?

Yes, if the aim is to increase the green mass of green manure or long-term soil improvement.


What is the benefit of soil inoculation for those organic farmers, who have been farming organically for more than 10 years, or even used cattle manure and cultivated under crop rotation system? 

For example some strains in bacterial preparations have plant growth promoting hormonal effects, so they clearly have positive effect even on “perfectly healthy soils”. The damage caused by plant pathogens and the fight against them is a cardinal problem in organic farming. Unfortunately, the cultivation system in itself does not guarantee freedom from diseases. Soil inoculation with suitable inoculants can help to suppress pathogens.

On what % of soil moisture do we recommend using our bacterial preparations?

When the soil is moist enough to make the seedbed, the inoculant also has enough soil moisture. Of course, it is recommended to apply the product in the damp hours in the morning, with lots of water, and to incorporate it immediately. Agronomically, only the soil moisture conditions during which the soil can be cultivated optimally can be sufficient. So, for example, in case of ploughing and immediate water tightening, when the soil is not powdery or spreadable, etc. During sowing the conditions in which the farmer carries out the sowing with a calm heart are good for product usage as well. In case of the Post Harvest preparation, the product can be applied if the soil is in a condition suitable for stalk incorporation.

How do I know if the crop surplus is due to bacteria or appropriate and good weather?

The surplus is due to both of them, and in addition, the positive impact of several other factors (e.g. soil conditions, plant variety, etc.). Good and accurate confirmation can be provided by setting up a control (not inoculated) plot/area.

How long shall a farmer wait after the product application to do the soil cultivation?

According to our technological recommendation the products can even be used during seed bed preparation, 2-3 weeks before seeding or at the same time with soil cultivation.

What is the minimum temperature for the Post-Harvest product to be applied on the soil?

Use according to instructions:  4 °C of the ground. Early morning frost is not a problem, but we should wait with the application until the frost goes down, thus we also protect the soil structure.

Applied liquid quantity?

First of all, the liquid quantity applied depends on the technology, agronomical opportunities and the demands of usage. Our recommended technology is to apply our products with 50-400 l/ha liquid, depending on the type of the spraying tool. In case of drought we recommend more liquid to apply.

Why is soybean inoculation better than soybean coating?

BIOFIL Soya is recommended for soil inoculation. The whole growing area is treated during soil inoculation, In case of inoculated soybean seeds, the inoculant is applied to the seed, which helps in initial nodulation and produces nodules on the root collars of seedlings. The inoculant introduced by soil inoculation, however, produces nodules on side roots of a larger root system. The soybean seed is coated with a plant protecting preparation with fungicide effect. Unfortunately, the coating preparation can significantly reduce the efficiency of nodulation. In countries with large soybean production traditions (e.g. USA) a combined technology for soil inoculation and seed coating is proposed.

Can soil inoculating products be applied by drone?

In this case, the type of nozzle used on the drone may be of technical relevance; if it is compatible with the schedule for the BioFil JET in some way, then yes. From a professional point of view, we need to separate whether we are talking about land or stock applications! In case of application on soils, the preparation may, of course, be applied in this way, provided that appropriate incorporation is done.

After 2020, will there be more significant support for the use of microbiological products in agriculture?

Considering current modern and innovative research, development and environmental trends, it is assumed that it will actually happen. Decision-makers are also urged because of climate change and degradation of cultivated areas. Increasing prohibitions on e.g.  pesticide active substance also encourage researchers and distributors to prefer biological solutions.

When can I observe yield increase?

The processes causing yield increase are manifold in space and time, therefore one year is generally insufficient to reach yield increase (drought or cold summer, too much rainfall etc.). However, in favorable conditions the majority of farmers report surplus yield already after the first season. Generally 3-4 years of regular use will guarantee you surplus yield in case of applying proper inoculants.

Is the Pea inoculant good for alfalfa?

No, the rhizobium strain of BIOFIL Pea is not able to form nodules on alfalfa, because this plant has its own rhizobium (Sinorhizobium meliloti). However, the use of soil-specific BIOFIL products is recommended, because they contain bacteria that help in nodulation on legumes’ roots and improve the efficiency of nitrogen-fixation (e.g. azospirillum).

For this cost I will rather buy fertilizer instead of a BIOFIL inoculant. What’s its benefit for me?

Preparations improve the condition of the soil and the stress-tolerance of plants in a complex way, in long term and sustainably. Chemical fertilizers are not able to do this or not as effectively as soil inoculants. We also have numerous practical data that the use of bacteria helps plants to get the maximal benefit out of fertilizers.

Why should I use it even if the AKG (Agricultural and Environmental Management) programme terminates?

Soil improvement over years of AKG should be maintained after the termination of the subsidy period. The stress-tolerance of plants, the water-holding capacity of soils, soil structure, the nutrient supply capacity of soils, crop safety and yield, etc. improves.

How long can the product work on sandy soils?

It is recommended to inoculate these soils every year. If the question refers to leaching, these preparations are fundamentally different from chemical fertilizers in terms of their mechanism of action, so there is no need to fear leaching. Bacteria on the soil particles stay in the soil, namely in the root zone and on the root surface, they propagate and colonize their habitat. They are able to provide the plant with virtually minimal losses with e.g. dissolved nutrients, nitrogen, produced hormones.

If I have done the soil inoculation, why do I have to do it again next year? Aren’t the microorganisms propagating in the soil?

The preparations we have developed and marketed contain bacteria strains which were isolated from Hungarian soils and are soil-specific. The current microbiological state of the soils is affected by many factors, the microbiota is not static. The number of bacteria introduced with the soil inoculant – similarly to the natural microbiota – fluctuates during winter, the number of microorganisms decreases. Inoculation before sowing is important in order to ensure that the necessary strains are in the right place, time and quantity in the soil.

Do all soil inoculating bacteria really die in winter?

The number of bacteria living in the soil is clearly decreasing in the surface, cooling or freezing layer. However, there is recolonisation in these areas when living conditions are restored and some species ‘overwinter’ in this soil layer by spores and other hibernating formulas.

Is the Post-Harvest product more effective in case of ploughing or non-rotating (e.g. topdown) cultivation?

The efficiency of stalk degradation is best when rotated in the soil, but under aerobic conditions, due to the composition of the strains in the preparation. So ploughing cultivation may also be appropriate, provided that the crop remains are not rotated too deeply, but can also be applied in case of shallow cultivation. Of course, it also depends on the environmental conditions.

If the can is puffy, does the product still work?

Yes, bloating means only that bacteria start using the nutrients in broth that are rich in sugar.

Is it appropriate to adjust the applied chemical fertiliser to soil pH, which may temporarily mean a more acidic medium e.g. on normal soil?

In principle, chemical fertiliser types should be chosen based on expert advice, for soil type and culture during the growing season. The acidification effect of fertilisers can mainly occurs in case of acidic or almost acidic soils. The „pétisó” nitrogen-based chemical fertilizer could also be a good choice. Such changes do not have a significant impact on the strains as the buffering capacity of the soils is very high. In order to change the pH of the soil significantly during a growing season, a huge amount of chemical fertiliser would have to be applied, which is not economically and environmentally possible. In the longer term, the composition of the chemical fertiliser may be determining.

Why can’t it be mixed with liquid chemical fertilizers?

Preparations can also be mixed with liquid chemical fertilisers. However, the chemical properties (pH) and chemical content of liquid chemical fertilisers should be taken into account when mixing them. Based on our experiments, the product can be used together by diluting the liquid chemical fertiliser 30 to 40 times, with a minimal risk of decreasing the efficiency of the microbiological product.