Adress: Hungary, 1095 Budapest, Soroksári rd. 48-54. Phone: +36 1 793 2670 E-mail:
Control area tons / ha Treated area tons / ha Yield increase tons / ha Yield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,09 4,81 0,72 14,97 %
Control area tons / ha Treated area tons / ha Yield increase tons / ha Yield increase in percent, compared to the control area
6,14 7,88 1,73 22,01 %
Control area tons / ha Treated area tons / ha Yield increase tons / ha Yield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,62 5,47 0,85 15,60 %
2021. Sunflower (P64LE25), RESID MG; Békés County – Szarvas
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,143,710,5718,2 %

One of the new products of the year 2022 in the distribution of TERRAGRO Ltd. is the Resid MG mycorrhizal preparation. The product was tested in an independent study in Békés county in Szarvas under semi-industrial (0,5 ha with covventional plant cultivation technology + mycorrhizal preparation) conditions in sunflower (P64LE25) culture by the staff of MATE (Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences). As a result of the inoculation with the mycorrhiza preparation, the yield of sunflower increased by 18%, more than 500 kg / ha, compared to the untreated control.

2021. Maize (DKC 3879), BIOFIL Climate; Baranya County – Sellye
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
9,19,80,77,7 %

Our partner in Sellye, Baranya County, incorporated the BIOFIL Climate microbiological inoculant product into their plant cultivation technology of maize culture. As a result of the treatment, a greater development of root mass could already be seen in the early phenophases. The yield of the treated area was increased by almost 8%, a surplus of 700 kg / ha thanks to the inoculation.

2021. Spring barley (Scarlet), BIOFIL Acidic; Győr-Moson-Sopron County – Mosonmagyaróvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,742,920,1786,5 %

In Mosonmagyaróvár, at the University of Széchenyi, the effect assessment of the BIOFIL Acidic preparation in spring barley (Scarlet) culture was carried out in 2021 in the form of a small-plot, independent experiment. The crop produced particularly poor results in the area in 2021 due to weather anomalies, however, a 6.5% increase in yield per hectare was achieved in the 3-replicate experiment due to the inoculation.

2021. Spring barley (Scarlet), BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soil Guard; Győr-Moson-Sopron County – Mosonmagyaróvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,742,970,238,6 %

In 2021, the BIOFIL Technology and some of its technological elements were tested in spring barley culture in an independent small-plot three-replicate study at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Széchenyi, Mosonmagyaróvár. Despite the particularly unfavorable growing season for the crop, the yield increased by 8.6% on average, by more than 200 kg / ha as a result of the BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soil Guard treatment!


2021. Autumn rapeseed, BIOFIL Algae; Pest County – Zsámbok
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,913,010,1003,7 %

Our Partner in Pest County, Zsámbok, tested the BIOFIL Algae foliar fertilizer in a one-time treatment in the autumn rapeseed culture, in order to help the early spring start of the rapeseed after winter. As a result of the treatment, the treated crops started faster in the spring period, the yield increased by almost 4%, a surplus of 100 kg / ha, due to the single early spring treatment!

2021. Maize (Torino), BIOFIL Climate; Somogy County – Marcali
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
6,27,31,117,7 %

Our partner used the BIOFIL Climate inoculant in maize culture in Somogy county. The water supply of the treated crops was better than the untreated control area even during the greatest drought. This was also reflected in the yield results, it increased by almost 18%, with a surplus of 1.1 t / ha compared to the untreated control!

2021. Spring barley (Scralet), BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Algae; Győr-Moson-Sopron County – Mosonmagyaróvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,743,000,279,7 %

In 2022, Terragro Kft. expanded its product range with BIOFIL Algae foliar fertilizer among others. The effect of the expanded BIOFIL Technology was tested in the spring barley (Scarlet) culture of the SZE’s (University of Széchenyi) agricultural faculty in Mosonmagyaróvár in a small plot study of 3 replicates! Despite the increasing extreme growing season in terms of weather, compared to the control area, BIOFIL Technology showed an increase of almost 10%, a surplus above 250 kg / ha in yields with a single BIOFIL Algae treatment during tillering phenophase.

2021. Sunflower (Achilleus), BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Algae; Győr-Moson-Sopron County – Mosonmagyaróvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,355,600,244,5 %

In 2021, the experts of SZE (University of Széchenyi), Győr tested the effects of BIOFIL Acidic and two BIOFIL Algae treatments (in 6-leaf and before inflorescence stages) in sunflower culture in an independent small plot study. Even compared to maximalized conventional cultivation methods, as a result of the treatments, the BIOFIL Technology achieved a yield increase of almost 5%, a + 241 kg / ha surplus!

2021. Spring barley (Scarlet), BIOFIL Acidic + TERRAHUMIN; Győr-Moson-Sopron County – Mosonmagyaróvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,742,920,1816,6 %

The testing of BIOFIL Technology in spring barley (Scarlet) culture was performed in a small plot study of 3 replicates at the Faculty of Agriculture of Mosonmagyaróvár, SZE (University of Széchenyi). With the incorporation of BIOFIL Technology (BIOFIL Acidic + TERRAHUMIN foliar fertilizer) into the conventional methods, as a result of the inoculant and a single treatment of humic and fulvic acid and nitrogen containing foliar fertilizers the yield increased by 6.6% per hectare.

2021. Sunflower (P64LE25), BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Extra + TERRAHUMIN; Békés County – Szarvas
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,143,870,7323,2 %

The effect of BIOFIL Technology was tested in the sunflower (P64LE25) culture at in Szarvas, MATE (Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences) in an independent, small-plot, 3-replicate study. The BIOFIL Acidic and Extra inoculant and the TERRAHUMIN foliar fertilizer (which contains humic and fulvic acids, and nitrogen nutrients) have been applied in a single treatment before inflorescense. As a result of the treatments, the yield increased by 23%, with more than 700 kg / ha.

2021. Spring barley, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soil Guard + BIOFIL Algae + TERRAHUMIN; Győr-Moson-Sopron County – Mosonmagyaróvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,743,090,3512,8 %

The testing of the complete BIOFIL Technology, developed in 2021, was performed in an independent three repetition small-plot experiment at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Széchenyi, Mosonmagyaróvár. As a result of the BIOFIL Technology (inoculation and twice-treatment of foliar fertilizer during the growing season), the yield increased by almost + 13%, which means the surplus of 351 kg / ha, despite the extreme vintage!

2021. Sunflower (P64LE25), BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Extra + BIOFIL Algae + TERRAHUMIN; Békés county – Szarvas
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,144,181,0433,1 %

The BIOFIL Sunflower Technology was tested on sunflower (P64LE25) culture at the Szarvas Faculty of MATE (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences). Elements of the technology were the inoculation with BIOFIL Acidic and Extra, as well as foliar fertilizer treatment in 4-6 leaf stage with BIOFIL Algae and before inflorescence with TERRAHUMIN (which contains humic and fulvic acids and nutrients). As a result of the treatments, the crops survived the drought periods excellently in the small plot trial, accordingly the yield increased by more than 30%, which means the surplus of 1 t / ha.

2021. Sunflower (P64LE25), BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Extra + BIOFIL Algae; Békés county – Szarvas
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,143,720,5818,5 %

The BIOFIL Technology were tested on sunflower (P64LE25) culture in an independent small plot experimentat MATE’s (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Faculty of Szarvas, Békés county. As a result of the inoculant and a single use of foliar fertilizer treatment (4-6 leaf stage), the yield increased by almost 20%, which means 580 kg/ha of yield surplus, compared to the control treated with conventional technology.

2020. Maize (Syngenta Ulysses), BioFil Acidic 1 l / ha; Pest county – Abony
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
9,6010,601,010,4 %

Our partner in Abony, Pest County, incorporated Biofil Acidic in the applied conventional cultivation technology. The treated maize stock (Syngenta Ulysses) showed a healthier picture throughout the growing season than the untreated control. Accordingly, the yield also increased, the treated area exceeded the result of the untreated control by 10.4%, 1 t / ha.

2020. Maize (MV-277), BioFil Acidic 1 l / ha; Pest county – Pilis
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
7,007,700,7010,0 %

In Pilis, Pest County, Biofil Acidic was integrated into conventional cultivation technology. According to the variety description MV 277 hybrid maize is drought and stress tolerant. Nevertheless, as a result of the treatment, the yield in the area increased by 700 kg / ha, or 10%, compared to the untreated control.

2020. Winter wheat, BIOFIl Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Algae 2 x 1 l/ha; Pest county – Áporka
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
7,4510,402,9539,6 %

BIOFIL Acidic and one of the new BIOFIL products of 2021, BIOFIL Algae preparations, were used in winter wheat culture, in Áporka, Pest County, built into conventional technology. Despite the drought in spring and good control yields, the yield increased by 2.95 t / ha, almost 40%, as a result of the Biofil inoculant and BIOFIL Algae treatments.

2020. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Soil Guard 0.2 l / ha; Tolna county –Kocsola
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,973,320,3511,8 %

BIOFIL Acidic and last year’s new product, BIOFIL Soil Guard was used in sunflower culture in Kocsola, Tolna County. The sunflower crop was sown back after two years. Compared to the yield of the untreated control area, the yield increased by 351 kg / ha, almost 12%, as a result of the inoculation.

2020. Winter wheat, BIOFIL Post Harvest 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha; Tolna county –Szakcs
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
6,407,270,8713,6 %

BIOFIL Post Harvest and BIOFIL Acidic were used in cereal culture in Szakcs, Tolna County. As a result of stalk disintegration and inoculation, the yield of winter wheat increased significantly compared to the untreated control area. The yield of the treated area increased by 870 kg / ha, almost 14%.

2020. Rapeseed, BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Soil Guard 0,2 l / ha; Baranya county –Baksa
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,554,020,4713,2 %

In Baranya county, Baksa settlement, BIOFIL Acidic and BIOFIL Soil Guard preparations were incorporated in conventional technology. During the growing season, the treated stock showed better plant health status compared to the control. The yields developed accordingly, increasing by 13.2%, almost 500 kg / ha compared to the control.

2020. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Soil Guard 0,2 l / ha; Fejér county – Székesfehérvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,383,730,3510,4 %

BIOFIL Acidic and BIOFIL Soil Guard were used in sunflower culture in Fejér county. With the application of the preparations, the plant health of the treated areas improved during the whole vegetation period, the stress situations were better borne by the treated stock. Yields were improved by more than 10% compared to the untreated control.

2020. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Soil Guard 0,2 l / ha + BIOFIL Algae 1 l/ha; Pest county – Szár – ÖMKI
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,342,980,6427,4 %

The Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKI) conducted an independent trial in organic sunflower cultivation using BIOFIL Acidic, Soil Guard and Algae preparations besides no till cultivation. The emergence was uneven due to the drought in spring, later the cold June hampered production. Nevertheless, the application of BIOFIL Technology increased the yield by almost 640 kg / ha, or 27.4%!

2020. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Algae 1 l/ha; Békés county – Szarvas – SZIE Tessedik Campus
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,283,780,5015,2 %

In Szarvas, Békés county, independent studies were performed on the Tessedik Campus in sunflower (NK Neoma Clearfield hybrid) culture with a combination of BIOFIL pH-specific and BIOFIL Algae foliar fertilizer. Despite the drought, yields were in line with expectations. Compared to the untreated control, a yield increase of 15.2%, 500 kg / ha was achieved.

2020. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Soil Guard 0,2 l/ha; Békés county – Szarvas – SZIE Tessedik Campus
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,283,620,3410,4 %

The effect of the BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soil Guard product combination was tested in an independent field trial on sunflower (NK Neoma Clearfield hybrid) culture at the Tessedik Campus in Szarvas, incorporating it into conventional cultivation techniques. The replicate trial showed a convincing, stable increase in yield, above 10%. As a result of inoculation, the yield increased by almost 340 kg / ha.

2020. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic 1 l / ha + BIOFIL Soil Guard 0,2 l/ha + BIOFIL Algae; Békés county – Szarvas – SZIE Tessedik Campus
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,283,940,6620,1 %

The effect of BIOFIL Technology was tested in an independent multi-replicate experiment at the Tessedik Campus in Szarvas. During the trial, the combination of BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soil Guard and BIOFIL Algae preparations was incorporated into the conventional cultivation technology. On average, a stable yield increase of more than 20% was realized in the sunflower (NK Neoma Clearfield hybrid) culture, which meant a yield increase of 660 kg / ha.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Somogyszil
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,93,30,515,8 %

Our partner in Somogyszil county has been using BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology in sunflower culture. The farm produced a yield surplus of +0,5 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +15,8 % compared to the county’s reference yield. The farm has been using BIOFIL products for years, and this results in a continuous, year-after-year yield increase on the area.

2019. Winter barley, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Somogyszil
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,28,02,852,7 %

Our partner in Somogy county, Somogyszil used BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology (BIOFIL soil pH-specific inoculant + BIOFIL Post-Harvest product) in winter barley culture. The farm produced a yield surplus of +2,8 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +52,7 % compared to the county’s reference yield. This means a significant increase in revenue for our partner.

2019. Winter wheat, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Somogyszil
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,37,82,546,9 %

Our partner in Somogyszil county has been using BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology (BIOFIL soil pH-specific inoculant + BIOFIL Post-Harvest product) in winter wheat culture for years. By several years of systematic use of the technology, the farm produced a yield surplus of +2,5 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +46,9 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Somogyszil
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
9,012,03,033,3 %

After several years of continuous use of soil inoculants, in 2019 in Somogyszil we got the usual expected results in maize culture. By using BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology, the farm produced a yield surplus of +3,0 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +33,3 %. Yield results represent a continuously increasing tendency on the treated area.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Igal
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
9,012,23,235,6 %

Our partner in Somogy county, in Igal used BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology. He could increase the yield results significantly, using the two products of the technology. The farm produced a yield surplus of +3,2 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +35,6 %. This means a significant increase in revenue for our partner.

2019. Soya, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soya; Somogy county – Ordacsehi
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,04,90,922,5 %

Our partner used BIOFIL soil inoculants in Somogy county, in Ordacsehi. BIOFIL Soya technology was used in the area, and the farm produced a yield surplus of +1 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +22,5 %. This means a significant increase in revenue for our partner. Our partner considers the continuous use of soil inoculation as a useful assistance in his cropping method.

2019. Soya, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soya; Baranya county – Szörény
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,04,50,512,5 %

Our partner used BIOFIL Soya technology in Baranya county, in Szörény. The results are spectacular, the treated area produced a yield surplus of +0,5 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +12,5 %. The farm is willing to use soil inoculation in the future as well, expecting further yield increases and better results.

2019. Soya, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soya; Veszprém county – Kamond
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,02,60,630,0 %

BIOFIL Soya technology was used in Veszprém county, in Kamond. By soil inoculation the yield of treated areas increased in comparison with the control.  The farm produced a yield surplus of +0,6 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +30 %.

2019. Pea, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Pea; Fejér county– Székesfehérvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,16,82,764,0 %

Our partner in Székesfehérvár used BIOFIL Pea technology in his pea cropping system. The yield results matched the expectations. The farm produced a yield surplus of +6,8 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +64 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic; Fejér county – Székesfehérvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,23,60,412,5 %

Our partner in Fejér county, in Székesfehérvár used BIOFIL Acidic pH-specific soil inoculating product in sunflower culture. In 2019 the technology combined with soil inoculation performed well. The farm produced a yield increase of +12,5 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic; Vas county – Csömödér
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
7,49,82,432,4 %

Our partner in Vas county, in Csömödér used BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant in maize culture. The yield results matched the expectations. The farm produced a yield surplus of +2,4 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +32,4 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic; Vas county – Csömödér
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,03,30,310,0 %

A field trial was conducted in Csömödér with Syngenta’s new generation variety, that was developed with Clearfield Plus technology and has high oleic acid content (SY Garcia). The area treated with soil inoculation performed well and produced a yield increase of +10 % compared to the county’s reference yield. This generated significant incomes.

2019. Soya, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soya; Fejér county – Székesfehérvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,43,20,833,3 %

Our partner in Fejér county, in Székesfehérvár has been using BIOFIL Soya technology for several years and obtained outstanding results. By using BIOFIL Soya and BIOFIL Acidic products the farm produced a yield surplus of +0,8 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +33,3 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Soya – Bahia, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soya; Vas county – Csömödér
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,03,60,622,0 %

A trial was conducted with BIOFIL Soya technology in Vas county, in Csömödér with Bahia soya variety (variety of earliest ripening). The farm produced a yield surplus of +0,6 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +22 % compared to the county’s reference yield. This generated significant incomes.

2019. Soya, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Soya; Vas county – Bajánsenye
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,954,111,1639,3% %

A trial was conducted with BIOFIL Soya technology in Vas county, in Bajánsenye with ES Pallador ES soya variety (variety of middle-ripening). The technology was used on all soya fields of the farm. The farm produced a yield surplus of +1,16 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +39,3 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Maize (biofarming), BIOFIL Acidic; Vas county – Tornyiszentmiklós
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,05,71,742,5 %

Our partner in Vas county, in Tornyiszentmiklós used BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant in biofarming. We used the farmer’s rate of return on maize produced in biofarming as a control. The technology delivered a significant increase of +42,5 %, which means a surplus of 1,7 t/ha.

2019. Maize – BIOFIL Acidic; Pest county – Áporka
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
7,110,83,752,1 %

Our partner in Pest county, in Áporka used BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant in maize culture on operational level. By adopting the technology, the farm produced a yield surplus of +3,7 t/ha, which means a yield increase of more than +50 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Winter wheat – BIOFIL Acidic; Pest county – Áporka
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,56,61,119,3 %

Our partner in Pest county, in Áporka used BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant in winter wheat culture on areas planted with cereals. By adopting the technology, the farm produced a yield surplus of +1,14 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +19,3 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Triticale – BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post Harvest; Pest county – Áporka
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,97,03,180,9 %

Our partner adopted the use of BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant in his technology of growing triticale culture on areas planted with cereals. By adopting the technology, the farm produced a yield surplus of +3,1 t/ha, which means a yield increase of more than +80 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,94,60,718,7 %

A trial has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The soil pH-specific inoculant BioFil Acidic was examined in this experiment. The used sunflower variety was NK Brio (Syngenta). As a result of the inoculation, the yield increase of the treated area was +1,0% (0,7 t/ha) compared to the conventional technology.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,24,90,717,1 %

A trial has been carried out in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in Gyulatanya. The soil pH-specific inoculant BioFil Acidic was inserted in the conventional maize cropping technology. The used sunflower variety was the NK Neoma (Syngenta, Clearfield technology) hybrid of early ripening. The yield results matched the expectations. The farm produced a yield surplus of +0,7 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +16,7 %.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,05,01,025,0 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in Gyulatanya. The used sunflower variety was NX 82219. The yield results are spectacular. The farm produced a yield surplus of +1,0 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +25 %.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,84,50,718,4 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The used sunflower variety was NX 82223. The yield results are spectacular. The farm produced a yield surplus of +0,7 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +18,4 %.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,04,50,512,5 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used sunflower variety was Syngenta NK Stradi. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +0,5 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +12,5 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
11,713,11,411,9 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used maize hybrid was the Dekalb DKC 4014 of early ripening (FAO 310). The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +1,4 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +11,9 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
12,113,91,814,9 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The yield results are spectacular. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +2 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +14,9 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
13,414,81,410,4 %

An independent efficacy experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used maize hybrid was DuPont Pioneer 9241. The results were convincing. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +1,4 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +10,4 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
12,013,21,210,0 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used maize hybrid was the KWS 2370 of early ripening, that can be even used in secondary sowing. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +1,2 t/ha compared to the untreated control.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
13,214,71,511,4 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used maize hybrid was the new DuPont Pioneer. The results were convincing. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +1,5 t/ha, which means a yield increase of more than +10 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Potato, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
49,057,28,216,7 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used potato variety was the bountyfull Balatoni Rózsa of early ripening. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +8,2 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +16,7 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Potato, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
51,262,211,021,5 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used potato variety was the Botond of super early ripening. The results were convincing. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +11 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +21,5 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Potato, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county– Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
44,251,27,015,8 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used potato variety was the ’firm boiling’ Hópehely of mid-early ripening. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +7 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +15,8 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Potato, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
42,350,07,718,2 %

An independent experiment on the effect of soil inoculation has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BIOFIL Acidic soil pH specific inoculant. The used potato variety was the Pannonia of early ripening. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +7,7 t/ha, which means a yield increase of approx. +20 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Potato, BIOFIL Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county – Gyulatanya – NÉBIH
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
38,245,37,118,6 %

An independent experiment on the effect of soil inoculation has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in Gyulatanya. The used potato variety was the Boglárka of early ripening. The inoculated parcels of the farm produced a yield surplus of +7,7 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +18,6 % compared to the untreated control.

2019. Winter wheat, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Kaposvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,37,32,037,5 %

Our partner in Somogy county tested the BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology ((BIOFIL soil pH-specific inoculant + BIOFIL Post-Harvest preparation) with winter wheat. As a result of treating the field with BioFil, in 2019 the farm produced a yield increase of +37,5 % (2 t/ha) compared to the county’s reference yield. The treatment also produced soil structure amelioration.

2019. Winter barley, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Kaposvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,29,24,075,6 %

A farmer in Somogy county used the BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology on his whole area planted with winter barley. The yield results have proven the value of putting our products in the cropping technology. Compared to the county’s reference yield we could reach a yield increase of 75,6 %, which means a 4 t/ha surplus.

2019. Sunflower, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Kaposvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,93,50,722,8 %

The BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology (BIOFIL soil pH-specific inoculant + BIOFIL Post-Harvest product) was used in Somogy county seat in sunflower culture. As a result of the treatment, the yield of the treated area produced a +0,7 t/ha surplus, which means a yield increase of +22,8 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Rape, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Kaposvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,04,01,033,3 %

The BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology was used in Somogy county seat in rape culture. The results met the expectations, the yield of the treated area produced a +1 t/ha surplus, which means a yield increase of +33,3 % compared to the county’s reference yield. This means a significant yield surplus for our partner.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Somogy county – Kaposvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
9,010,51,516,7 %

The BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology (BIOFIL soil pH-specific inoculant + BIOFIL Post-Harvest product) was used in Kaposvár before planting maize. The farm converted from its conventional cropping technology and produced a surplus of +1,5 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +16,7 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Maize, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Tolna county – Tamási
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,34,91,649,4 %

Our partner in Somogy county has been using BIOFIL products for years. As a result of regular and continuous soil inoculation, and by the application of BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology before seeding, last year our partner produced a yield surplus of +1,6 t/ha, which means a yield increase of +49,6 % compared to the county’s reference yield.

2019. Pepper, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Post-Harvest; Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county – Cibakháza
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
10,820,49,689,6 %

Our partner in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, in Cibakháza used BIOFIL Post-Harvest and BIOFIL Acidic in arable paprika culture. Using BIOFIL Post-Harvest technology lived up to expectations, the yield increase reached the double of the county’s reference yield result. As a result of treating the field with BioFil, the yield increased with 89,6 %. The quantity of first class berries also increased.

2019. Winter pea, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Pea; Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county – Jászdózsa
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,63,250,6024,0 %

Our partner in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county used the BIOFIL Pea technology. The farm has been using BIOFIL products on its whole territory for years. The farm produces mostly pea and in 2019 it produced a yield increase of 24% in pea culture, compared to the county’s reference yield results.

2019. Spring pea, BIOFIL Acidic + BIOFIL Pea; Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county – Jászdózsa
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,64,01,452,7 %

Our partner in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county works with BIOFIL Pea technology. In 2019 he used the technology on his whole field planted with pea. Compared to the county’s reference yield result, the treated spring pea culture produced a yield increase of 52,7% (1,4 t/ha).

2018. Soya, BioFil Acidic; Zala county – Tornyiszentmiklós – Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,692,910,228,2 %

In collaboration with the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture we conducted independent trials in soya culture in organic farming. The used product was our BioFil Acidic product. The trial was conducted in Tornyiszentmiklós, Zala county. The trial was conducted with a medium soya variety „Hipro 15”. As a result of the treatment, the treated area produced a yield increase of +8%, and the nodulation was more intense on this area.

2018. Maize, BioFil Acidic; Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county – Tiszaigar – Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
1,183,151,97167,0 %

In collaboration with the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture we conducted independent trials in maize culture in organic farming. The applied product was BioFil Acidic. The results were spectacular. „The average stem height, the gross and net stem weight and the yield showed a significant difference (P<0,001) between the data collected from the treated and the untreated area. The net stem weight measured on he treated area produced a +40% increase compared to the untreated one.” The yield results developed according to this, the treated area produced a yield increase of +1,97 t/ha. But we have to note that these results show the weather conditions were not good for growing maize in that season. There was a huge drought in that region. The precipitation was lower with 67% (111mm) compared to the average for annual rainfall.

2018. Maize, BioFil Acidic; Békés county – Szarvas – St. István University – Faculty of Agricultural and Economical Studies
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
6,917,60,6910,0 %

In collaboration with St. István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Economical Studies, Institute of Agricultural Science and Rural Development in Szarvas we conducted independent trials in maize culture (maize hybrid: Pioneer PR9903, with a seeding standard of 75,000 stem/ha). The used product was our inoculant BioFil Acidic. The forecrop of this trial was winter wheat. During examinations of soil resistance, it turned out that soil resistance of cultivated parts of the treated area was lower than on the control area. Directly after the first treatment the water permeability of the treated area improved as well. The treated area showed a decrease of stem fusarium with 50%. This is why the treated area could produce a yield increase of +10% after the first year of treatment.

2018. Maize, BioFil Normal; Győr-Moson-Sopron county – Mosonmagyaróvár – Széchenyi István University
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
7,309,161,8625,5 %

In collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science of Széchenyi István University we conducted independent trials in maize culture. We used a maize hybrid „DKC 4590”, with a seeding standard of 70,000 seed/ha. The forecrop was maize in 2017, and facelia in 2016. The treated area produced a yield increase of +1,86 t/ha, which means an increase of more than 25% compared to the control area.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Békés county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,694,120,4311,7 %

In Békés county our partner conducted a farm experiment in sunflower culture, testing the efficiency of soil pH-specific inoculant BioFil Acidic. The efficiency of the treatment was visible during the whole period of plant growth. The yield results were convincing, the yield of the treated area increased by 12% (0,43 t/ha) compared to the untreated one.

2018. Spring barley, BioFil Acidic; Veszprém county – Tótvázsony
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
1,832,050,2212,0 %

In Tótvázsony, Békés county our partner conducted an experiment in spring barley culture, using our BioFil Acidic product. The forecrop was also a cereal. The average yield of the treated area produced a +12% increase compared to the untreated area. So, the 75 ha treated with BioFil produced an increase of +16,5 tonnes compared to the untreated area.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Békés county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,784,121,3448,2 %

In Békés county our partner conducted a farm experiment in sunflower culture using 1 l/ha of BioFil Acidic preparation. The treated stock was more resistant to extreme drought than the untreated one. Drought resistance showed up in the results as well, the treated area produced +1,34 t/ha more yield than the untreated, which means a yield increase by ca. 50%.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Heves county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,502,800,312,0 %

In Besenyőtelek, Heves county our partner conducted a farm experiment in sunflower culture using soil pH-specific inoculant BioFil Acidic. The treated stock was more resistant to extreme weather conditions of 2018 than the untreated one. Accordingly, the yield of the treated area showed a 12% increase compared to the untreated one.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county; Syngenta NK Neoma
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,855,560,7114,6 %

An independent experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The soil pH-specific inoculant BioFil Acidic was examined in this experiment. The used sunflower variety was Syngenta NK Neoma. As a result, the yield increase of the treated area was +15% (0,71 t/ha).

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county; Syngenta NK Kondi
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,725,180,469,7 %

An independent farm experiment has been carried out in sunflower culture on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The soil pH-specific inoculant BioFil Acidic was examined in this experiment. The used sunflower variety was Syngenta NK Kondi. The results are convincing and show the efficiency of our inoculant, the yield increased by 10% (0,46 t/ha).

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county; Pioneer P64 HE118
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,585,200,6213,5 %

An independent farm experiment has been carried out in sunflower culture on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The used sunflower variety was Pioneer P64 HE118 and the examined inoculant was soil pH-specific BioFil Acidic. The yield increased by 13,5% compared to the untreated area, which means plus 0,62 tonnes per hectare.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county; Pioneer P64 HE133
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,765,310,5511,6 %

In 2018 an independent farm experiment has been carried out in sunflower culture on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The used sunflower variety was Pioneer P64 HE133 and the examined inoculant was soil pH-specific BioFil Acidic. The results were convincing, the treated area produced a yield increase by 12%, which means plus 0,55 t/ha compared to the control area.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county; Dow Seeds 8H 449 CLDM
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,494,980,4910,9 %

An independent farm experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The used variety was Dow Seeds 8H 449 CLDM. Trial results demonstrate the efficiency of soil pH-specific BioFil Acidic very well. The yield increase was +10%, which means plus 0,49 t/ha.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county; Dow Seeds 8N 421 CLDM
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,615,120,5111,1 %

An independent farm experiment has been carried out in sunflower culture on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The used variety was Dow Seeds 8N 421 CLDM and the used inoculant was the soil pH-specific BioFil preparation. The treatment raised the yield from 4,61 t/ha to 5,12 t/ha. The yield increase was +11% compared to the control area, farming became more profitable.

2018. Maize; BioFil Acidic + Algasanba; Csongrád county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
12,6015,22,620,6 %

Our partner in Felgyő trialled BioFil growing technology on his farm in maize culture. Soil pH-specific inoculant BioFil Acidic and our Algasanba foliar fertilizer was added to the grower’s standard technology (control). The results were convincing, yield increased by more than 20%, which means plus 2,6 t/ha compared to the control area.

2018. Maize; Algasanba; Csongrád county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
12,6014,41,814,3 %

Our foliar fertilizer Algasanba was used in a maize farm in Felgyő, Csongrád county. Compared to the control area a yield increase of +2 tonnes was reached by using the foliar fertilizer. The treatment raised the efficiency of growing by 15%.

2018. Maize, BioFil Acidic; Komárom – Esztergom county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
10,014,04,040,0 %

In Császár, Esztergom county our partner conducted a trial with BioFil technology in maize culture. After inserting inoculation into the growing technology results became significantly better. The treated area produced a yield increase of 4 t/ha, which means +40% compared to the control area.

2018. Sunflower; BioFil Acidic; Csongrád county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,684,110,4311,7 %

In Felgyő, Csongrád county our partner conducted a farm experiment in sunflower culture using soil pH-specific BioFil Acidic preparation. The treated stock developed more evenly and homogeneously than the untreated one. The efficiency of the treatment showed up in the results as well – the yield increased by 11,7% (+0,43 t/ha).

2018. Soya; BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,864,620,7619,7 %

An independent farm experiment have been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with BioFil Soya technology. The treated soya variety was Karintia Regale. Compared to the control area the yield increased by 19,7%, which means plus 0,76 t/ha. This made growing highly profitable for the farmers.

2018. Soya; BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,744,230,4913,1 %

An independent farm experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with Karintia Sinara soya variety. The control area was treated according to the grower’s standard methods. The results fit our expectations – the control area produced a yield increase of +0,5 t/ha.

2018. Soya; BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Szabolcs –Szatmár -Bereg county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,64,190,5916,4 %

An independent farm experiment has been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya. The treated soya variety was Karintia Angelica. The trial shows the efficiency of BioFil Soya technology very well. The treated area produced a yield increase of 16,4%, which means plus 0,59 t/ha.

2018. Rape; BioFil Acidic; Tolna county; Iregszemcse
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,973,420,4515,2 %

Our partner conducted a trial in Iregszemcse, Tolna county, inserting 1 l/ha BioFil Acidic technology to the standard growing method. The trial represents the efficiency of BioFil inoculating technology used on rape fields very well. Compared to the untreated area, the treated one produced a yield increase of 15,2% per hectare, which means plus 0,5 t/ha.

2018. Rape; BioFil Acidic; Tolna county; Dombóvár
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,333,870,5416,2 %

In Dombóvár, Tolna county our partner conducted a field trial in rape culture, testing the efficiency of the soil pH-specific BioFil Acidic preparation. Compared tot he grower’s standard growing technology (control area) the field treated with BioFil produced a yield increase of 16,2%, which means plus 0,54 t/ha.

2018. Winter wheat; BioFil Acidic; Pest county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,215,420,214,0 %

In Szentmártonkáta, Pest county our partner conducted a farm experiment in winter wheat culture using 1 l/ha of soil pH-specific BioFil Acidic preparation. Inoculation was inserted into the grower’s standard technology as an additional, new application. Plants on the treated area were more resistant to springtime rainfalls and following droughts than plants on the untreated area. Accordingly, the yield increased by 0,21 t/ha.

2018. Soya; BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Somogy county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,04,21,240,0 %

Our partner conducted a trial in Somogy county using the BioFil Soya growing technology. He performed the inoculating treatments with BioFil Acidic and BioFil Soya directly before seeding. Treatment with BioFil was an addition tot he grower’s standard growing technology, which gave a yield increase of 40% (1,2 tonnes) compared to the control area.

2018. Soya; BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Békés county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,53,51,040,0 %

Our partner conducted a trial with soya plants in Békés county, using BioFil Soya technology. The control area was treated with the grower’s standard technology. Treated plants were more resistant to drought than the untreated ones, accordingly the yield increased by 40%.

2018. Soya; BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Zala county
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,853,450,621,1 %

Our partner conducted a field trial with soya in Tornyiszentmiklós, Zala county. BioFil Acidic and BioFil Soya soil inoculating treatments were inserted into the standard growing technology. The results prove the efficiency of the treatment. The treated area produced yield increase of 0,5 t/ha, which means a 21,1% increase compared to the untreated area.

2018. Soya, BioFil Normal + BioFil Soya; Slovakia, Muzsla
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,12,30,29,5 %

Our partner conducted a field trial in Muzla, Slovakia. Inoculating treatments with BioFil Acidic and BioFil Soya.were included into the growing technology. Inoculants were used 2 weeks after weeding with glyphosate, and directly before seeding. The seeding was performed with a direct drill. The treated area showed more nodules on plant roots, it was more resistant to drought, and the yield increased by 9,5%.

2018. Pea, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Pea; Veszprém County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
6,07,61,626,7 %

In 2018, the weather was not good for peas. In several places pea sowing commenced relatively late, this was followed by drought. This is why the example of Bakony-Agro ZRt. farming near Zirc is a pleasing exception. The control area was the neighbouring area (10 ha), while BioFil Pea technology (BioFil Acidic + BioFil Pea Soil Inoculants) was used in 120 hectares. The two production technologies and the soil conditions were the same. Industrial users have grown several types of peas in both areas, average yields are the average yields of different varieties.

2017. Potato, BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4551613,3 %

We carried out an independent experiment with the Louisiana potato variety at the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) Gyulatanya field trial station. According to the trial experiments, the plant high of the treated stock exceeded the untreated stock in the entire season, the control stock dried ca. two weeks earlier than the field treated with BIOFIL technology. Due to the applied soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic preparation (1,5 l/ha) the yield has increased by 6 t/ha.

2017. Pea, BioFil Normal + BioFil Pea; Bács-Kiskun County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
8,9110,51,5917,8 %

In 2017, GREENYARD FROZEN HUNGARY Ltd. And TERRAGRO Ltd. (bacterial products for soil inoculation BIOFIL) conducted a joint study in Nemesnádudvar in Bács-Kiskun county, area of the cultivation of green peas. One area was treated with BIOFIL soil pH-specific and BIOFIL Pea soil inoculant preparations, while in the other area, which was previously fertilized with animal manure, was not treated with soil inoculant products before (this site was the control area). The yield increased significally in the inoculated area. The control area was harvested with observing higher average tenderness rate. Thus the real yield increase could be even better.

2017. Maize, BioFil Acidic; Veszprém County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
8,39,20,910,8 %

In our partner’s farm in the central settlement of Pápa district, we have set up a farm maize experiment. The yield results were convincing, the treated stock was more resistant to the summer heat-wave period than the untreated stock. The treated stock produced yield higher with 1 t/ha, which means a 10,8% increase.

2017. Sunflower, BioFil Acidic; Tolna County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,334,10,7723,1 %

In Dombóvár, Tolna County our partner has set up a farm experiment in sunflower culture. The area was treated with 1 l/ha of BIOFIL Acidic preparation. The crop yield was compared to the average yield results of the County. Based on the results the field produced a yield increase of 23,1 % compared to the control.

2017. Winter wheat, BioFil Acidic; Tolna County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
6,17,31,219,7 %

In Dombóvár, Tolna County our partner has set up a farm experiment in winter wheat culture. 1 l/ha of BIOFIL Acidic has been inserted into the technology while preparing the seedbed. Compared to the control area, 19,7 % yield increase was achieved with the treatment. The yield per hectare increased from 6,1 t/ ha with more than one tonne.

2017. Sunflower, BioFil Acidic; Tolna County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
3,334,20,8726,1 %

In Bonyhád, Tolna County our partner farm has set up a farm experiment. The area treated with original technology in sunflower culture was compared to the field treated with 1 l/ha of BIOFIL Acidic. Based on the results, the yield increase was more than one tonne thanks to the treatment, which means a 26 % increase.

2017. Rape, BioFil Acidic; Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,684,291,6160,1 %

We have set up a farm experiment in rape culture in our partner’s field in Kisújszállás. The development of the stock, the green and root mass and number of branches in the treated area exceeded the stock of the adjacent lands. Due to the treatment yield increased by 60 % compared to the average crop results of the county.

2017. Sweet corn, BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
19,524,55,025,6 %

An independent farm experiment have been carried out on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with one of the late sweet corn varieties of Syngenta. According to the trial results the height and the leaf surface index of the treated stock constantly exceeded the untreated stock at the time of recording. The treated stock produced a yield higher by 5 t/ha, representing a 26 % yield increase.

2017. Soya, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Baranya County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,944,21,2642,9 %

In the last – “not really soya” – years in Szigetvár, Baranya County, we have set up a farm experiment in our partner’s fiеld with an early soya variety. The crop yields were in line with expectation, by using BIOFIL technology (BIOFIL Acidic 1 l/ha + BIOFIL Soya 0,4 l/ha) we reached a 43 % yield increase compared to the county average. The significant yield surplus greatly contributed to covering the production costs of the soya culture, making the production more profitable.

2017. Potato, BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
47558,017,0 %

We have carried out an independent farm experiment with Memphis potato variety on the trial station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), in Gyulatanya. According to the results, plant height of the treated stock exceeded the untreated in the entire season; the photosynthetic ability was preserved for a longer time. Due to the applied soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic (1,5 l/ha) preparation the yield increased by 8 t/ha, representing a 17 % increase in crop.

2017. Sunflower, BioFil Acidic; Baranya County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
1,51,80,320,0 %

In Szigetvár we have conducted a farm experiment in sunflower culture using 1 l/ha of BIOFIL Acidic preparation. The results were convincing, by applying BIOFIL technology + 300 kg/ha surplus was realised. The seed quality crop resulted in a surplus of 20 % per hectare for the seed factory.

2017. Soya, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Tolna County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,943,50,5619,0 %

In the village of Értény, Tamási district our partner has set up a farm experiment in soya culture. In some parts of the field treated with farm technology, the cultivation technology was supplemented with BIOFIL technology. The applied preparations were 1l/ha of BIOFIL Acidic and 0,4 l/ha of BIOFIL Soya. The yield produced more than a half tonne surplus in the treated area compared to the county average, resulting in a 19 % yield increase.

2017. Sweet corn, BioFil Acidic; Szabolcs- Szatmár Bereg County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
18,522,64,122,2 %

We have carried out an independent trial on the experimental station of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) in Gyulatanya with the sweet corn variety, Sweetstar. According to the trial results, the height and the level surface index of the treated area constantly exceeded the untreated stock.
The treated stock produced yield higher by 4,1 t/ha, representing a 22 % yield increase.

2017. Sunflower, BioFil Acidic; Békés County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,112,590,4822,7 %

In co-operation with the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKI), we have set up an independent, controlled experiment in an organic farm in Füzesgyarmat. One of the major problems of the varieties used in organic farming is that they are more or less hindered from enforcing their genetic potential, and the development of cultivation technology is also necessary in order to improve their yield stability and crop results. Thus in 2017 we tested the technology development by applying 1l/ha of BIOFIL Acidic. In the trials with three replications results of the treated area exceeded the results of the control area in every case. With regard to oil production, BIOFIL treatments in all cases exceeded the control.

2016. Pea, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Pea; Győr-Moson-Sopron County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
1,612,260,6540,4 %

In Hédervár we have carried out an independent pea cultivation experiment with the R & D team of Lajtamag Ltd., in Mosonmagyaróvár district. The applied products were soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic (1 l/ha) and BIOFIL Pea (0,4 l/ha) inoculants. The differences in treatments showed a good indication of the effectiveness of soil inoculation fitting into technology. There was an increase in yield near 40 %, with a 1.8 % increase in protein content.
Nodule formation in each phenophase exceeded the control stock.

2016. Soya, BioFil Normal + BioFil Soya; Győr-Moson-Sopron County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,175,130,9623,0 %

In Hédervár we have carried out an independent soya cultivation experiment with the R & D team of Lajtamag Ltd., in Mosonmagyaróvár district. The applied products werе soil pH specific BIOFIL Normal (1 l/ha) and BIOFIL Soya (0,4 l/ha) inoculants. The yield results and the nodule formation of soya were all convincing. In the treated area nearly one tonne of yield was realized, which is about a 23 % increase per hectare. The protein content of the crop from the treated area was 2.08 % higher than the 33.65 % of protein content in the control field. The proportion of the nodular plants in the treated field has greatly exceeded the control in every test. In the nitrogen-rich seed saturation phenophase, the growth was 25 %.

2016. Triticale, BioFil Acidic; Veszprém County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
4,24,80,614,3 %

We have carried out a farm experiment for triticale production with our partner in the village of Apácatorna in Devecser. 1 l/ha of soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic inoculant was inserted to the original cultivation technology. The area treated with soil specific inoculants showed better results than the control area in each phenophase. Thanks to the intensive root development, we haven’t experienced plant fall. The treated area produced + 600 kg per hectare, representing a 14,3 % increase in results.

2016. Sugar beet, BioFil Acidic; Tolna County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
72,085,013,018,1 %

Our partner in Tolna County has set up a farm trial for sugar beet, using а soil pH specific BIOFIL inoculant (1 l/ha). The post harvest results showed an increase in yield of 13 t/ha, and also compared to the sugar content of the control area the results represented an increase of 1,7 % (16,5 %).

2015. Field pea, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Pea; Somogy County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,734,11,3750,2 %

In the village of Zimány, in Kaposvár district, our partner has applied BIOFIL Acidic (1 l/ha) and BIOFIL Pea (0,4 t/ha) inoculants, the inoculated area was indicated to cover the feed requirements of the farm. During the growing season, the stock developed properly, quickly and homogeneously. Crop yields exceeded the expectations, compared to the national yield average the treated area produced 1,37 t/ha surplus, resulting in a 50 % increase in yield.

2015. Green pea, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Pea; Somogy County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,42,70,312,5 %

Located in the village of Zimány, in Kaposvár district our partner has carried out a farm experiment with BIOFIL Acidic (1 l/ha) and BIOFIL Pea (04, l/ha) inoculants on a field designated for seed cultivation. The yield results came up to expectations. Due to the treatments + 300 kg /ha of seeds were produced compared to the control field. The plus 12,5 % yield surplus made the applied technology even more economically efficient.

2015. Soya, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Zala County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,693,00,3111,5 %

In the village of Hahót, in Fakospuszta our farm experiment resulted in 3,0 t/ha yield in soya culture. In the farm trial, soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic (1l/ha) and BIOFIL Soya (0,4 l/ha) inoculants were applied. The yield results proved the effectiveness of the products, the treatments reported a 310 kg/ha surplus, resulting in an 11,5 % increase in yield.

2015. Soya, BioFil Normal + BioFil Soya; Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
1,51,80,320,0 %

In the village of Megyaszó, in Szerencsi district our partner applied soil pH specific BIOFIL Normal (1 l/ha) and BIFOL Soya (0,2 l/ha) preparations in soya cultivation. During the farm experiment a 300 kg surplus was realized by using our products despite the unfavourable weather conditions, which means a surplus of 20 % compared to the control field.

2015. Sweet corn, BioFil Normal; Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
18,819,50,74 %

In our farm experiment, in Kunszentmárton our partner applied 1 l/ha of soil pH specific BIOFIL Normal inoculant. During the cultivation we achieved a plus yield of 0,7 t/ha in a nearly perfect season. Thus we managed to exploit the yield potential of the applied variety, giving a significant extra income to the farmer.

2015. Oat, BioFil Normal; Jász-Nagykun- Szolnok County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,052,570,5225 %

In our farm experiment carried out in Kunszentmárton district, our partner has inserted 1 l/ha of soil pH specific BIOFIL Normal inoculants to the original technology. The treated culture produced higher results than the untreated control area in root mass and height in all phenophases. We haven’t experienced oat breakdown in the treated area. The treatment resulted in a 25 % increase in yield.

2015. Cauliflower, BioFil Post-Harvest + BioFil Normal; Csongrád County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
12,214,52,318,9 %

In our farm experiment in Marcal district we have tested our products in field cauliflower cultivation. We inserted 1 l/ha of BIOFIL Post Harvest and 2 l/ha of BIOFIL Normal to the traditional technology. The yield results lived up to expectations. With regard to cultivation experience, the efficiency of the treatments was obvious, the weight of the plants increased and the treated stock became 10 cm higher. The drought tolerance and the nutrient content of the crop improved.

2014. Maize, BioFil Alkaline; Komárom – Esztergom County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
8,410,82,422,2 %

In Kisbér district, located in Tárkány, a maize experiment has been carried out on our partner’s farmland. Soil pH specific BIOFIL Alkaline inoculants were used in the trial. The results were convincing, the yield average of the treated area was 10,8 t/ha, representing a surplus of 22,2 % compared to the control field.

2014. Sunflower, BioFil Acidic; Veszprém County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,343,00,6628,2 %

In Apácatorna located in Devecser district, our partner has carried out a farm experiment in sunflower culture. By applying the soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic inoculants we reached a yield surplus of 28,2 % compared to the county average. This was a surplus of 660 kg/ha.

2014. Maize; BioFil Acidic, Zala County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
7,8512,14,2554,1 %

In the village of Hahót in Fakospuszta our farm experiment in maize resulted a yield of 12,1 t/ha in 2014. The yield produced a surplus of 54 % compared to the Zala County average. Our partner achived the results by using pH specific BIOFIL Acidic inoculants.

2014. Soya, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Győr-Moson-Sopron County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,83,040,248,6 %

In Hédervár located in Mosonmagyaróvár district, we have conducted a farm experiment with Lajtamag Ltd. in soya culture. Both the yield results and the nodule formation were satisfying. The treated area produced a yield surplus of 8,6 %, in addition a large amount of nitrogen remained in the soil for the post-sowing, due to the nodule formation. In the trial the soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic and BIOFIL Soya inoculants were applied.

2014. Soya, BioFil Acidic + BioFil Soya; Zala County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
2,73,30,622,2 %

In Tornyiszentmiklós located in Lenti district, the soil pH specific BIOFIL Acidic and BIOFIL Soya preparations were used during the cultivation in a farm experiment. Due to the treatment, the yield of the treated field increased, compared to the country average. The yield on the treated area increased by 22,2 %, furthermore the quality parameters also improved.

2014. Dry Pea, BioFil Pea; Csongrád County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
1,822,10,2815,4 %

Independent, official trial result by applying BIOFIL Pea preparation. With regard to the crop results, 15,4 % yield increase was reported in the experiment carried out by the National Food Chain Safety Office. In addition a significant nodule formation was notable, which provided considerable amount of nitrogen for the next culture.

2014. Green Pea, BioFil Pea; Csongrád County
Control area tons / haTreated area tons / haYield increase tons / haYield increase in percent, compared to the control area
5,77,01,322,8 %

Independent, official trial result by applying BIOFIL Pea preparation. With regard to the green pea cultivation, 22,8 % yield increase was reported in the experiment carried out by the National Food Chain Safety Office. A very intense nodule formation was observed, so a large amount of nitrogen was provided for the next culture.


Soil life is affected by several stress factors (cultivation processes, plant protection sprays, use of fertilizers, drought and inland waters etc.), the composition and the diversity of soil life (soil biome) has changed or significantly decreased mainly due to human interventions. The natural degrading processes are therefore often restricted or the processes are not moving into the right direction. The degradation of the residues is also important regarding to plant protection; for example, fusarium is a very effective cellulose decomposer, yet it is not desirable. Because of the above, there is a need for specially developed and composed bacterial soil inoculating preparations to steer the degrading processes to the most optional direction for us.


One of the most important producer experiences is the fact that the amelioration of soil life is best seen on fields treated with inoculants for more than one year. The rising microflora provides plants with required nutrients faster due to inoculation, the costs of pest control can be reduced on such areas.


Our products are not only materials for increasing the yield. It is scientifically proven that the drought resistance of plants ameliorates, such as the water holding and providing capacity of soils. Accordingly, one of the most important experiences from the 2017’s trials is the fact that plants become more drought resistant on treated areas.


The number of useful soil inhabitants increases significantly in agricultural plots which are treated with inoculants. Water retention of the soil and the process of organic matter degradation ameliorates. Due to positive changes in the fauna of these useful soil living organisms the quality of plant life also increases, using biological methods ends in long term yield increase.


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