The purpose of the researching activity performed by our workers in collaboration with the Agrichemical and Soil Science Institute of the University of Debrecen was to select bacteria from the BioFil Ltd. soil bacteria strain collection, that produce biofilm and biopolymer-producing phytohormones, produce Quorum Sensing (QS) signal molecules for bacterial communication, are resistant to abiotic (salt and pH) stress, assist in production of soil aggregate and biofilm on sandy soils with low nutrient content and on limy chernozem with degraded structure. Furthermore, these strains were selected in order to enhance the stability of existing soil aggregates and soil crumb fractions. This kind of microbiological activity has practical benefits in the case of sand and crumbling soils. The used products have a positive impact on soil structure, even in dry environment.
BioFil Ltd. and researchers working at the Department of Environmental and Applied Microbiology of the Agri-environmental Science Research Institute of NAIK (National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre) were working on crop residue management. Thus, microorganisms that are able to decompose cellulose, hemicellulose (e.g. xylanase) may be particularly important. Stalk decomposition plays an important role in soil fertility development and maintenance. Cellulase and xylanase enzyme-producing bacterial strains that were isolated from pseudogley brown forest soils have greater diversity than strains isolated from meadow chernozem, although, more polysaccharidase enzyme-producing strains were isolated from that soil. Surprisingly, the number of enzyme producing strains that can be selectively isolated from this arable soil reduces as an effect of manure fertilization.
The main agricultural limit of our age besides scarce water resources are the damages caused by extreme temperature. An alternative solution for crop fertility enhancement is to use microbial soil inoculants. Auxin, gibberellin and other phytohormones produced by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) induce cell extension, propagation, increase the root mass, which results in increased nutrient uptake, so they increase the tolerance of plants to abiotic stress. The conducted tests resulted in 15 bacteria species that are able to produce several phytohormones. Based on the results, our researchers selected osmotolerant strains that propagate well in acidic and alkaline environment as material for soil inoculants. These strains increase the chances of crops to survive and grow in deteriorated soils by their indole acetic acid production.
Our researchers and the Agricultural Research Centre of MTA (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) have carried out mutual research on the use of biochar and soil inoculation in maize culture. Based on our results, we observed that the main benefit of biochar is optimizing/alkalizing the pH of acidic soils. The effect of biochar and inoculation is higher when applied to sandy soils with weak structure, however, the PGPR effect (plant growth promotion) was more demonstrable when it was applied together with the inoculant. Both used yield increasing substance turned out to be effective for biomass increase, the biggest changes were achieved with combined use of both substances.
Bacterial strains – isolated by BioFil and Saniplant Ltds researchers – effectively nodulating on soybean (Rhizobium leguminosarum, Bradyrhizobium japonocum), and possible helper bacteria (Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Agreia sp., Paenibacillus sp., Exiguobacterium sp., Azospirillum sp., Arthrobacter sp., Kocuria sp.) were tested and characterized for their tolerances against widely used seed treatment pesticides (Vitavax, Rancona), glyphozate herbicide and Force1,5G insecticide and capability to solubilize P and Fe from soil minerals.
18th International Congress of the Hungarian Society of Microbiology, 2019, Budapest, Hungary
The project is co-financed in the framework of GINOP-2.1.2-8-1-4-16 – Supporting R&D&I activity of enterprises using combined (grant and financial instrument) instruments.
Strains were isolated from nodules of various leguminous plants (soybean, pea, chickpea). They were assigned to Bradyrhizobium, Ensifer, Mesorhizobium and Rhizobium genera. Strains were assayed for their plant growth promoting abilities (production of plant hormone like substances and siderophores) and abiotic stress tolerances (osmotic and pH) and their relevant features were described.
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The project is co-financed in the framework of GINOP-2.1.2-8-1-4-16 – Supporting R&D&I activity of enterprises using combined (grant and financial instrument) instruments.
Beside product development our research associates are active participates of the scientific life. Their research results are regularly reported on national and international scientific events. From sowing to harvest BIOFIL inoculants strains were examined in untreated and inoculated sugar beet cultures which were inoculated with BIOFIL inoculants. The DNL-level testing of soil microbe organism (molecular fingerprint) showed the colonisation, reproduction of BIOFIL inoculants strains; the favourable changes in the composition of the microbe organism due to soil inoculation has been monitored.
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In laboratory examination our researchers tested the suppressive effect of Bacillus subtilis bacteria strain on plant pathogenic fungi living and infecting in the soil. According to our results, the B. subtilis strain was able to inhibit and suppress the development of all three pathogens which face a serious problem in field cultivation: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Alternaria alternata and Fusarium graminearum. The results showed that soil inoculation with B. subtilis liquid inoculants may be an effective application in arable field practice.
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In a scientific summary our researchers report on the many years of work that led to the creation of BIOFIL soil bacterial strain collection that serves as the basic for the development of BIOFIL products. The strain collection includes 1500-2000 strains; most of them have useful microbiological properties important for plant and soil. 17 strains were selected of this collection, these are the components of BIOFIL soil pH specific inoculants (Acidic, Normal, and Alkaline).
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Soil bacterial strains with plant growth stimulating (PGP) effects have been applied for decades in practice due to their beneficial properties. The aim of the research was to select those strains with PGP effect from the BIOFIL collection, and to detect and identify the hormones they produce. Based on the results researchers can predict whether the bacterial strains have a positive effect on growth and development of the plant when they are applied as inoculants.
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One of the basic indicators of good soil inoculants is to have sufficient number of germs (living bacteria), portion and duration of each bacterial strain. The aim of the research was to assemble the bacterial strain forming each BIOFIL preparation so they can permanently and viably stay together in different “storage” period from manufacture to application; with sufficient number of germs (living bacteria) under the prescribed storage conditions. The poster shows the end result: each strain has a sufficient number of cells in the cultures for up to 6 months.
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